Tues 12/17 Zoom
Final Project Presentations

Welcome to our course's last day !
In this last class you are expected to photograph/scan your project and write the self-critique for Final Project 10: Tea Bag & Zine Booklet, as well present the work and read your Self-critique for your classmates.

Due for Class 15

Final Project 10: Tea Bag & Zine Booklet: Finalize your documentation.

Complete your Self-Evaluation and make sure you have all you work uploaded to Brightspace, Vocabulary Words are presented for grading, and all remaining Brightspace posts are completed. Only the final project will be graded on class 15.


Final Project: Final Project's Photos and Written Critique uploaded to Brightspace.

Tuesday: 9:00 am to 10:50 am. Online

Final Assessment

Final Project: Artwork shared with your classmates and professor, and read self-critique.

Tuesday: 11:10 am to 12:50 pm. Online


Studio 9:00 am to 10:50 am | Offline
Final Assessment 11:10 am to 12:50 am | Online

Upload your Final Project: Final Project 10: Tea Bags & Zine documentation and write the final project critique. Upload both to your Brightspace. Note that you should have not only a photo of each side of your Zines but also the whole zien opened and the tea bags with it along with your process documentation.

Complete the Copyright Form.

Final Project 10: Tea Bags & Zine Presentations, Self-critique Reading, and prospect to mail postcard to your classmates.


Happy Summer!

Grades will be available in MyWCC by May 12.