Tues 10/01 Zoom
Line Systems | Illusion of Space

Last week we critiqued Project 3 and saw we can abstract from Subject Matter by focusing on the Principle of Organization Unity.

This week we will critique Project 4 and be introduced to Project 5 continuing to abstract a design's Degree of Representation by exploring the Elements of Design Texture through Line Systems and Texture to help us perceive Tactile and Implied characteristics, while also focusing on creating Illusion of Space and depth through value gradation.

Homework Due for Class 5

Finalize Project 4 | Directional Dominance and post your finalized work and self-critique to Brightspace | Project 4.

After reading Design Basics: Rhythm chapter, and researching what Movement in design is, search the Internet for an artwork that clearly has a strong sense of Movement. Post the image here and write how rhythm and movement in the artwork were accomplished.

Here are some possibilities:
. Changes in direction.
. Changes in darkness or lightness.
. Similar shapes connected with each other.
. Overlapping elements.
. Repetition of elements.

9" x 12" Drawing Paper | 14” x 17” Bristol Board | Sketchbook | HB Mechanical Pencil | Eraser | Ruler | PITT Pen (Black) | Rubber Cement | Viewfinder | 2D Found Textures

Start collecting yogurt and pill containers for painting projects!

In Class


Brightspace Post 5: Rhythm

Vocabulary Words 3

Project 4 | Directional Dominance finalized

Homework for Class 6

Complete Exercise 2 | Texture Studies due at the beginning of class 6
Check this pdf for a visual explanation of how the exercise is related to Project 5: Texture Design Part 1.

After reading Design Basics: Illusion of Space go to Brightspace and post a visual example for the following techniques used to create illusion of space
1. Size
2. Overlapping
3. Vertical Location
4. Atmospheric Perspective
5. Plan
6. Elevation
7. Linear Perspective: One-point
8. Linear Perspective: Two-point
9. Linear Perspective: Multi-point
10. Amplified Perspective
11. Multiple Perspective
12. Isometric Projection
13. Open Form
14. Closed Form
15. Equivocal Space

9" x 12" Drawing Paper | 14” x 17” Bristol Board | Sketchbook | HB Mechanical Pencil | Eraser | Ruler | PITT Pen (Black) | Rubber Cement | 2D Found Textures

Start collecting yogurt and pill containers for painting projects!